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Together with the AVS service locations, our success story continues on the AVS Verkehrssicherung homepage.
Peter Berghaus GmbH becomes part of the AVS Group.
Mobile warning trailers are now produced in a new premises of Peter Berghaus GmbH covering 1,600 m² in Kürten-Eichhof.
The Peter Berghaus GmbH subsidiary M+V GmbH changes its name to AVS Overath GmbH and moves to its own new large company premises covering 20,000 sm in Overath, directly on the highway A4. The AVS traffic safety group meanwhile has ten sites throughout Germany with a workforce of more than 250 skilled employees. Peter Berghaus GmbH now also belongs to the successful Group AVS Holding GmbH.
In January 2003, company founder Peter Berghaus once again starts up business on his own with the company "Lichtinnovationen" (Lighting Innovations"). This new company deals with innovative lighting technology in the broadest sense.
The start of 2002 brings about a change in the management structure of the Peter Berghaus GmbH. The company founder Peter Berghaus has resigned his job as Managing Director after 24 years. The new Managing Director of the Peter Berghaus GmbH is the former Export Manager and long-standing employee Ralf Gressler (born 1966). At the same time, Production Manager Alfred Wurth is given commercial power of attorney for the company.
Thanks to the good orders situation, the subsidiary M+V GmbH moves within Kürten (Eichhof) to its own buildings with ample outside storage capacities. The new storage space measures 12,000 sm.
Since February 1998, information about the company and its range of products and services is available on the internet.
Peter Berghaus GmbH registered "Mobile steel barrier" at German Patent Office.
In August 1993, the company with a workforce of meanwhile more than 40 employees (subsidiaries not included) moved to new premises in Kürten-Herweg, about 2 km from Oberblissenbach. Since 1993, Peter Berghaus GmbH has been a founding member of the German Association for Traffic Technology and Safety [Verein für Verkehrstechnik und Verkehrssicherung e.V. (VVV)].
Following German reunification, the second subsidiary, the AVS Mellingen GmbH, was founded in Thuringia to meet the demand for road safety products in the new federal states. The 1992 product catalogue of Peter Berghaus GmbH makes the first mention of "sliding walls" made of steel plate - a precursor for today's "portable road restraint systems" which are offered as a safety feature at roadworks and for separating flows of oncoming traffic - naturally developed and produced by Peter Berghaus GmbH.
In March 1984, great demand for renting road construction site safety products led to the founding of a subsidiary M + V GmbH.
Peter Berghaus was transformed into a limited liability company and was now called Peter Berghaus GmbH.
Progress at Peter Berghaus continued. In 1964 company founder Peter Berghaus developed the first radio-controlled traffic signal system, which has meanwhile been sold in large quantities all over the world. The production and delivery range expanded continuously. The company enjoyed on-going growth, with the increasing demand for these innovative products prompting Peter Berghaus to go ahead with further expansion of the company.
Peter Berghaus laid the foundations for an extremely successful company in Bensberg-Oberblissenbach (today Kürten), a small town nestling in the lovely countryside of the "Bergische Land", only 25 km from Cologne. To start with, Peter Berghaus began by producing construction site power distribution boxes, but soon had the idea of developing safety systems for roadworks. And so work began on the production of safety beacons, mobile warning trailers, warning lamps, protective equipment, guide elements and much more besides.